Leadership Development

Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Development: My Path to Transformative Leadership
In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, leadership is no longer just about meeting deadlines or managing tasks. It’s about fostering an environment of trust, collaboration, and growth. At the core of this shift lies emotional intelligence, the ability to understand,...
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The Johari Window: A Simple (And Extremely Useful) Model
When we're talking about expressing authenticity and exchanging feedback with others, we find great value in utilizing the Johari Window. In short, the Johari Window is a map that supports individual self-awareness, and awareness of others. Awareness of self and...
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The Road To Hallett Leadership
Arriving at 20th Century Fox   When I first came in to 20th century Fox, it was very entrepreneurial. There was no leadership development program - but we'll get to that in a moment. I was excited to be there....
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development objectives for managers
Development Objectives for Managers Who Desire To Make A Difference
For decades, companies have identified “high potential” employees and established special training and development for them. While this is still a common practice, we at Hallett Leadership believe that the missing piece in most organizations today is high performance leadership...
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Leadership Skills Required In A VUCA World
Leadership Skills Required In The VUCA World
For a conversation about leadership skills required in the VUCA world, a few comments about what this acronym VUCA means: When the Soviet Union fell, this acronym surfaced from the military to describe the new geo-political terrain: VUCA, which stands...
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Dean Hallett’s Career Journey
The Journey Begins In Public Accounting   Long before I ever had a leadership training company (or studied any high performance leadership model), I started my career in public accounting following the footsteps of my father, thinking that I would...
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middle management tools
Middle Management Tools To Jump-Start Your Remote Team
While the fundamentals of leadership have not changed during this unprecedented period of remote working, we propose that all managers consider giving extra attention to their communication skills and relationships. This can bridge any distance, perceived or real, that has...
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new manager training
New Manager Training: 3 Guidelines For The Best ROI
We advocate for new manager training because we feel very strongly that the best time to develop someone into a high performance leader is right after they’ve been promoted into the ranks of management. At this stage, management and leadership...
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Overcoming Conflict At Work: A Case Study In Rising Above Personal Differences
At the end of the Accelerated Leadership Programs, we do project presentations and they're usually groups of four or five people. There was one group on one project that for some reason was having extreme difficulties with each other. There...
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how to run an effective meeting
How To Run An Effective Meeting (hint: it’s in the framing)
Before we discuss how to run and effective meeting, we'll begin with the famous Taipei 101 tower. From its opening in 2004 until the completion of a taller structure in Dubai in 2010, held the honor of being the tallest...
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How Successful Companies Develop High-Performance Cultures

The Missing Piece in most companies is developing and engaging leaders at all levels of the organization. Fill in your company's Missing Piece today and shift your entire organization into high performance!

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